All systems operational
Welcome to StudyPoint and PrepNow's home for updates on system and service statuses. Please bookmark this site for easy access in the event of an outage.
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Customer Management System & Internal Portal Operational
Strictly intended for internal, FT staff; this portal provides tools to effectively manage our families and tutors.
Student Portal & Homework System Operational
This system provides single sign on access to the whiteboard for our students as well as homework and practice test management.
Tutor Portal Operational
This portal provides access to payroll entry, student homework access, and single sign-on access to our whiteboard.
Online Whiteboard Operational
This application provides online access to synchronous collaboration tools between tutor and student.
Phone Systems Operational
These systems are provided by and managed by Dialpad.
Email Systems Operational
These systems are provided by and managed by Rackspace, Inc & SendGrid.
Incident & maintenance history
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